
Easy connectivity
myCloud from WiseMo is your private remote connectivity space (private domain) in the Cloud. No matter where your PCs, Mac, Tablets, Smartphones or other devices are located, they can easily reach each other, through your myCloud domain (over the Internet) – often without having to bother with firewall or proxy settings.

Strong security
With myCloud you also have a powerful range of security options, from two-factor authentication of your browser log-in, to strong encryption of the data stream, tough authentication requirements and individual limitations of what is possible, when authenticated – centrally managed – in short – secure remote control over the Internet.

Centrally managed
What’s more, myCloud brings you centralized access control. Who may remotely do what on which computers / devices.

Subscription based
myCloud is a subscription based Cloud solution, where the number of Host computers and devices (volume) in combination with the subscription period (time) dictate the subscription price.

Free to try
You can trial myCloud for 30 days for free, where you get your private remote control domain, immediately when you sign up.


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